Le Québec (24)

Source: Photograph by WTL© on site in autumn in Québec City.
Comments: Through the bare trees we see the St. Lawrence River (French: le fleuve Saint-Laurent; Mowhawk:  Kaniatarowanenneh, or "big waterway"), the immense seaway that flows 1,900 miles northeasterly from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. It forms part of the international boundary between Ontario, Canada, and New York State, USA. You will also note how high Québec's upper city is above the river and lower town below. In the Algonquin language of the First Nations who inhabited the region of Québec, the work kebec means "the place where the river becomes narrow." It is due to this geographical phenomenon that the French explorers under the command of Samuel de Champlain began to built a fortified city here in 1608.
Humanities Questions: In what sense is this old cannon a humanities artifact?
Visual Tour: Continue the tour by clicking on the right arrow below.

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