Le Québec (23)

Source: Photograph by WTL© on site in autumn in Québec City.
Comments: This statue to Jacques Cartier (1491-1557) is in one corner of the Parc-Montmorency. Cartier was a French explorer from St. Malo in Brittany (NW France) who "discovered" and claimed Canada (indeed, all of North America) for France in 1534. He was the first known (named) European (i.e., Renaissance explorer) to map the length of the St. Lawrence River from the Atlantic to Québec (which the Iroquois called Stadacona) and Montréal (Hochelaga to the Iroquois). In fact, historians tell us that he named Canada from a fusion of the Iroquois' names for these two native settlements.
Humanities Questions: (A) Who is the equivalent "official discoverer" of South America? (B) And who is the "official discoverer" of the region now occupied by the United States of America?
Visual Tour: Continue the tour by clicking on the right arrow below.

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