Machu Picchu (6)

Source: WTL photo taken on site in Machu Picchu.
Comments: The construction is all in a regular dry-stone style. The Incas cut the stones with incisions and steam, and the fit them together without mortar. We do not know how the Incas transported and moved the stones because they did not use the wheel for such purposes (decoration only). We do know, however, that the buildings and stairways of Machu Picchu ("old mountain") were carved out of the mountain itself. For example, there are over a hundred stone stairways all carved from only a single block of the mountain's granite rock: see => Machu Picchu #21. Furthermore, there are many water fountains and water channels carved in the rock, which supplied the terrace garden, temples, and houses with an irrigation system. Recent evidence suggests that the water came from holy spring or well. For a close-up of part of the efficient, delicate, and perfectly engineered water system, see => Macchu Picchu #6a.