Museo del Templo Mayor (2)

Source: WTL© digital photograph (2009) taken in the Museo del Templo Mayor, Mexico City.
Comments: In this model of the finished Great Temple we see a cutaway of the last five layers of construction. Buried deeper are the first two phases of the temple's construction. Notice that a separate stairway led to the respective temples for Tláloc and Huitzilopochtli. For more information on this pyramid, see: => Templo Mayor. For the model of the same temple in the Museo Nacional de Antropología, see: => Aztec Art #2 and Aztec Art #3.
Humanities Question: Rather than tell you the answer this question, you are asked to figure it out from the following detail and from information embedded in the Aztec pages (see: => Index of Aztec Art). Which god was celebrated in which temple? Here's the detail by which you can answer the question: The round stone at the foot of one of the stairways is a giant carving symbolizing Coyolxauhqui. Secondary information: the opposing temple, the north side, represents another mountain; to wit, it represents Tonocatépetl, which was said to be the home of Tláloc.