Havana (18c)

Source: Photograph (2010) by WTL© on site in the Fine Arts Museum in Havana.
Comment: This modern painting is title "Unidad" (Unity, 1938). The artist is Mariano Rodríguez (1912-1990). In part the canvas is in the style of Picasso's "classical" style of the late 20s and early 30s.
Humanities topic: Compare and contrast this Cuban painting with those of Wilfredo Lam and the Cuban American García Ferraz.
Note: One of the great treasures of this museum are many works by Wilfredo Lam. When the professor-photographer was beginning to take some clandestine photos of works in the museum he was able to snap this photo by Mariano Rodríguez, but when he was approaching the gallery with Lam's paintings, he was stopped by a guard to told him photography in the museum, even sin flash (flashless) was forbidden. Hence, this is the only painting in this museum that we are able to study.
Additional note: The museum store was so poorly stocked that there were no books in it cataloguing the museum's collections, but there was one used book available about Fuster (see: => Havana #26), a contemporary Cuban artist. The professor-photographer bought the book.