Cuernavaca (15)

Source: Google Web image.
Image: The old baroque high altar (el altar mayor) in the nave of the Catedral de la Asunción de Cuernavaca.
Comments: This is what the high altar looked like before a bishop of Cuernavaca dramatically altered its appearance. For the new altar mayor see: => Cuernavaca Cathedral #8. While this church's architecture inside and outside is mostly Renaissance style, this former state of the high altar was typical of the Mexican/Latin American baroque style. Typical of this style is the total use of gold leaf, niches for polychrome statues, baroque columns, and all surfaces covered with carving and decoration. Another curious feature of this church is Japanese-style mural art painting from the 16th century depicting the persecution of Catholic missionary martrys (San Felipe de Jesús and his companions) in Japan.
Humanities Themes: baroque religious style and art; horror vacui. Compare and contrast this image with its hyper-modern renovation as seen in Cuernavaca Cathedral #8.