Lima, Perú (22)

Source: WTL photo taken on site in Pizarro's Plaza de Armas in Lima, near the Plaza Mayor.
Comments: The last three scenes in this photographic essay on Lima focus on the monument and statue to Francisco Pizarro. It should be noted that this photograph is a historical curiosity, because this statue was removed during the presidency of Alejandro Toledo Manrique. He is a Peruvian of indigenous ancestry, and his wife is an anthropologist who is a major activist for the rights of the poor and for indigenous peoples and their legacy. Hence, due to her campaigning, the statue was removed between 2001 and 2005. The current president of Peru is Alan García, a populist.
Questions: What do you think of this majestic statue and monument? What was its role in Peruvian culture for centuries? What did it symbolize? What is its symbolic value now?