San Agustín Acolman (8)

Source: WTL© digital photograph taken on site at the former monastery of San Agustín Acolman.
Comments: Here you see two piñatas hanging just to the left of the museum's entrance. The Mexican tradition of the Posadas (inns) was born right here in the monastery of Acolman. It began in 1587 when an Augustinian friar obtained permission from the pope to say the first of the sung "misas de aguinaldo" (Christmas gifts and carols, December 16-24) here. These dates coincided precisely with the Aztec dates for the birth of Huitzilopochtli. These masses evolved into the posadas / inns that Joseph and Mary stayed in on their Nativity journey to Bethlehem) during whose parties piñatas filled with candy are broken, spilling the goodies hidden inside for children of all ages. The piñatas' traditional form is a seven-pointed star, symbolizing the seven capital sins. The candies symbolize worldly pleasures. A blindfolded person tries to smash the piñata (the struggle between good and evil) with a stick (symbol of faith) in order to overcome worldly temptations. A traditional song is sung by festive observers: "Dale, dale, dale / no pierdas el tino / porque si lo pierdes / pierdes el camino" (Hit it, hit it, don't lose your aim, because if you lose it, you'll lose your way).
Embedded image: For a close-up of the closest piñata, see: => Acolman #8a.