Uxmal (1)

Source: Web-based image
Notes: Yucatán is the name of the Mexican peninsula that points toward Cuba and Florida. It is also the name of one of the 31 states (estados) of the Mexican republic. There are two other Mexican states on the Yucatán peninsula: Campeche and Quintana Roo. The Yucatán Strait separates México from Cuba and it also separates the Gulf of México from the Caribbean Sea. Remember that this strait is important to Florida during the hurricane season because there is a warm Atlantic current that enters the Caribbean from the east, flows west, turns north through the Yucatán Strait, enters the warmer waters of the Gulf of México, and, depending of many variables, generates the flow of wind and water that become hurricanes that often affect Florida. Caribbean hurricanes often devastate Yucatán. Indeed, the word "hurricane" comes from a Caribbean Arawak word referring to severe tropical cyclones. In other words, we in Florida are intimately connected to Yucatán. Uxmal is on nearer the Gulf of México than Chichén Itzá or Mérida.