Chichén Itzá (7)

Source: WTL© photo.
Notes: Looking down the main staircase on the central pyramid we see how tall and steep the staircase is, and opposite we see the platform for jaguars and eagles. This platform at the top of the photo, or low pyramid, was probably used for sacrificing prisoners. Furthermore, it is worth noting that when victims were sacrificed at the top of the main pyramid, their hearts were cut out of their bodies, which were flayed. The priests then tossed the bloody bodies down these stairs to the waiting priests and crowd below while the priests dressed in the flayed skin of the sacrificial victims.
The full construction of Chichén Itzá was completed by the Toltecs. The site, then, is known as a Maya-Toltec cultural site. The legendary Toltec leader Topiltzin Quetzalcóatl was exiled by the Toltecs at Tula, and he arrived at Chichén Itzá about the year 1000.