Guatemala City (19b)

Source: WTL© digital photograph (2008) taken on site in Guatemala City.
Comments: The big print at the bottom (i.e., on the pillar at the left) says: "executed victims". At the top it says: "San Francisco, tempisque hamlet; San Miguel Chicaj; San Jerónimo; Sutun; Cubulco; Vegas Santo Domingo, Rabinal; Vegas Santo Domingo, chuaperol hamlet, Rabinal; Weabaj, chuchupac hamlet, Rabinal; Xococ, Rabinal 125125; Xococ, Buena Vista hamlet, Rabinal. These were entire native hamlets that were completely wiped out.
Humanities issue: Analyze what is featured foreground on the left and the background context on the right. Also, there is something seen in the clock...