San Agustín / St. Augustine (14a)

Source: Lilla Ross: "First Parish Church Uncovered; Archeological dig in St. Augustine finds evidence of church from 1572." St. Augustine Catholic, October, 2010: 10-11. See the caption under the drawing for credits and a statement about the source of the image.
Comments: This building was on Avilés Street in the oldest neighborhood in the city. The site is next to the Heritage House. A building like this one existed from 1572 to 1586, when the English corsair Sir Frances Drake sacked and burned the town. The church was rebuilt in 1587, but it was destroyed by fire in 1599. Subsequently, it was rebuilt again and lasted until its destruction in 1702, at which time the parish ceased to exist, and, according to Ross, "the congregation moved to Nuestra Señora de la Soledad, which had functioned as a small chapel and a hospital since the late 1500s" (11).