Calle Ocho (3)

Source: Photograph (2009) by WTL©.
Comment: All this photo shows is a standing slab of cement with a plaque on it a little farther down 13th Street in the Cuban Memorial Plaza. Translation of the plaque: "To the martyrs who shed their blood for Cuba's freedom in the centennary year of the death of our apostle José Martí. 1895-1995. Knights of Columbus. Blessed Marcelino Champagnat Council. Corpus Christi Council. Miami, May 20, 1995. (The priest honored by the afore-mentioned council, Marcelino Champagnat, 1789-1840, was a French priest who was beatified--hence the title mentioned above--by Pope Pius XII in 1955 and who was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1999, after the plaque was made.)
Humanities topic: Compare the content of this photograph with any similar monuments or objects you studied earlier in this course. (Hint: what is the generic name for this kind of monument?)