Museo de Cuauhnáhuac (8h)

Source: WTL© photo 2009 taken on site in the Museo Regional de Cuauhnáhuac .
Image: Continuation of the mural titled "The Conquest of Cuernavaca" by Diego Rivera.
Comments: Here we see indigenous Cuernavacans at the bottom with some kind of market cornucopia; Hernán Corté middle left overseeing the scene below and the scene above; and, above, indigenous workers supervised by a pair of Spanish soldiers working on some sort of building.
Humanities Topic: Putting together the comments above with what you know about (a) Hernán Cortés, (b) Cuernavaca, and (c) indigenous Mesoamericans, write a paragraph about this panel of the overall mural.
Note: Segmented detailed views of this panel follow in the next few pages, in 8i and 8i bis. Use these pages when you respond to the Humanities Topic above.