Museo de Cuauhnáhuac (8c)

Source: WTL© photo 2009 taken on site in the Museo Regional de Cuauhnáhuac.
Image: View of the mural on the left side of the empty alcove (seen on the left of the preceding page). This image and the following one together constitute one complete large mural panel, reading still from right (this view) to left (the next image). The reason why they are separated into two separate pages is technical; that is, it was impossible for the professor-photographer to capture the entire horizontal nature of this panel with the wide-angle lens on his small digital camera because there was not enough room on the balcony to stand far enough away from the mural. Hence, he took two vertical shots.
Comment: Cuernavaca is situated geographically on a series of ravines (barrancas), cliffs, and gullies, and the vegetation is exuberantly semi-tropical.
Humanities Question: Using the next page (#8d), answer this question: How does this part of the mural tell the story of how difficult it was for the Spaniards to enter Cuernavaca by force and, therefore, how difficult the conquest of this well-defended strategic city was for the conquistadors?