Museo de Cuauhnáhuac (8a)

Source: WTL© photo 2009 taken on site in the Palacio de Cortés.
Image: Diego Rivera's mural series "The Conquest of Cuernavaca" begins at the far right on the second floor (primera planta) on the back (east) side of the museum.
Comment: Reading from the right of the door to the left, we see, in order, (a) the conquistadors invading Cuernavaca; (b) the Spaniards setting fire to buildings near the main pyramid; (c) indigenous Cuernavacans desperately offering sacrificial victims to this temple's god, Quetzalcóatl, in an attempt to get divine intervention against the invaders; (d) a battle melée between indigenous allies (eagle and panther warriors) of the Spaniards, Spanish conquistadors, and defenders of Cuauhnáhuac.
Humanities Question: What does this opening wrap-around panel say about the three-way bellicose encounter between these contending groups?