Havana (20)

Source: Photograph (2010) by WTL© on site in Havana.
Comments: Two views of the Estación Central de Ferrocarriles (Central Train Station). It is located next the Ensenada de Atarés off of the Bahía de La Habana.
Humanities note: The man you see at the right edge in the photo on the left is Leonardo Padura Fuentes, possibly Cuba's most accomplished and famous writer. He was a journalist until he became a full-time writer. His most famous works are four novels about a Philip Marlow-like (by American writer Raymond Chandler) detective named Mario Conde. Padura's works have been translated into a number of foreign languages, and he has won numerous awards for his works, the two most important of which are La novela de mi vida (2002) about, among other themes, Cuba's first great poet, José María Heredia, and El hombre que amaba a los perros (2009) about the assassination of Leon Trosky in Mexico in 1940. The professor-photographer accompanied him and others while he was doing research in the former Jewish neighborhood in Old Havana for a novel he was writing in 2010. For brief references to some Jewish presence in Havana, see: => Havana #25.
Additional note: The Central Train Station is across the street (Avenida Egido) from the birthplace of and now museum dedicated to José Martí.