Havana (21)

Source: Photograph (2010) by WTL© on site in Havana.
Comment: This is the house in which José Martí's was born, his casa natal, and it is now a museum about him and his artifacts. This modest house was built in the early 19th century in the Paula neighborhood near the port. It has been a museum since 1925. Due to the fact that José Martí is a national hero, the principal martyr of Cuban independence from Spain, a major writer and poet, the house is well maintained by the Castro régime and by funds from UNESCO.
Humanities topic: After reading text of Martí's Chronology and the paragraphs on Martí in the context Latin American modernismo, please give a brief assessment of the fact that José Martí, who was/is such a major figure of Latin American history and humanities, was born and raised in this house. (You will want to explore the embedded pages that illustrate the house a little more, starting with: => Havana #21a.)