Trinidad (1)

Source: Photograph (2010) by WTL© on site in Trinidad, Cuba.
Comments: Here you see Trinidad's central plaza, with the very traditional Spanish name of Plaza Mayor. Trinidad was founded in 1514 by Diego Velázquez, Cuba's first colonial governor. In 1988, UNESCO named this city a World Heritage Site. From about 1600 to about 1800, the city was a major center for commerce in sugar and slaves. In this view, you can see the Iglesia Parroquial de la Santísima Trinidad; that is, according to standard Spanish colonial urban design, the church occupied one side of the central plaza. The first church was built in the 17th century, but it was destroyed by a hurricane. This building was rebuilt in the 19th century (1892).
Humanities question: Setting aside the construction date (hint), describe this church's architectural style.
Humanities comparison
: Compare and contrast this central plaza to the one in Mérida, México; Havana; Lima, Perú; and Cuernavaca, México.