Buenos Aires (17a)

Source: See Buenos Aires Index.
Image: Part of the monument and mausoleum dedicated to San Martín in a side chapel opening off the right side aisle in the Cathedral in Buenos Aires.
Comments: San Martín died in France, so his remains were returned to Argentina in 1880 and placed in this mausoleum designed and built specifically to house him/them. As you can make out at the bottom of this digitized photo, this marble monument was designed by Albert Carrier-Belleuse, a French sculptor. This photo focuses on the front statue (there are two others, one is barely visible at the left) of a life-size female figure in Classical garb. These figures symbolize Argentina, Chile, and Perú. Three other famous Argentinian heroes' remains are also stored in the sarcophaghus, including those of the Unknown Soldier, whose flame you see in another photo.
Humanities question: Why Argentina, Chile, and Perú?