Cuernavaca (3)

Source: Fragment of WTL's course archive map of México.
Comment: Notice that Cuernavaca is almost due south of Mexico City, D.F. (53 mi). The resort city of Acapulco on the Pacific Coast (the Discovery period's Mar del Sur) is also south of Mexico City (433 km / 268 mi). The historical core of Mexico is tightly packed. The great city of Puebla (site of the Cinco de Mayo battle against the French in the 19th century) is to the SE (120 km / 75 mi) of the capital. Starting at the north of this map and rotating clockwise, also notice the following major sites: Tula; Teotihuacan; Texcoco; Tlascala; Cholula; Volcán Popocatépetl; Morelos State (Anenecuilco / modern Ayala, home to Gen. Emiliano Zapata); the Xochicalco archeological site; and the colonial silver city of Taxco.