Rodolfo Amoêdo (1882)

Source: MuseuNacional de Belas Artes. Rio de Janeiro: Colorama, n,d., p. 77.
Image: "Marabá", Rodolfo Amoêdo, 1882. Oil on canvas.
Comments: Amoêdo (Brazil, 1857-1941) studied art in teh Academia Imperial das Belas Artes in Rio de Janeiro before winning a competition prize trip to continue his studies in Paris. He returned to Brazil in 1888. In addition to this human figure, which he painted in Paris, he concentrated on theme relating to religion, history, portraits, and interior scenes. He worked in virtually all of the styles and themes known at the time. This canvas is in indication that Brazilian artists, in general, were less inhibited about the human figure than artists in much of Catholic Spanish America.