Convento de Sor Juana #5

Source: WTL digital photograph on site in Mexico City, D.F.
Image: Here you see the simple original outer architecture of the convent founded in 1585. The style is typical of colonial Spanish Renaissance style. This institution was the first convent of Hieronymite nuns founded in Mexico. In 1867, the convent was closed and the nuns were expelled due to the Reform Laws (Leyes de Reforma) passed under the leadership of President Benito Juárez (1858-1872). The chapel was declared a national monument in 1932, but the rest of the buildings, at one time or another were used as a military hospital, hotel, workers residences, dairy, dance hall (Smyrna Dancing Clud), various small businesses, and headquarters for the League of Revolutionary Writers and Artists.
Homework topic: Describe this style as you see it here.