Montevideo (14)

Source: WTL digitized slide photograph© on site in Montevideo, 1985.
Comments: This slum, like those in all major Latin American cities, is one the outskirts of Montevideo. Recent international statistics tell us that 23% of the population flimsy and illegal constructions outside the cities. This phenomen continues to grow and to plague development throughout Latin America. There are various Spanish terms for 'slum' used in different Spanish-speaking countries: Uruguay: asentamientos or cantegriles; Brazil: favela; Argentina: villas miseria; Venezuela: barrios; Spain: arrabales or chabolismo; Chile: poblaciones callampa; Perú: pueblos jóvenes; México: jacales.
Humanities topic: In this online textbook there are a couple of images of similar slums. Compare: => Lima #16-19; => Rio de Janeiro #35.