Muralistas (2)

Source: WTL digital photograph in front of the Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City. (I regret the poor quality of this photo.)
The mural: "Man, Controller of the Universe", by Diego Rivera, 1934.
Comments: Because of the two pillars standing in front of the mural, it is hard to view the entire mural from either afar (here we are looking at it from across the atrium in the middle of the Palacio de Bellas Artes) or up close. This is the replacement mural for the one that the authorities of Rockefeller Center in New York City destroyed when Rivera refused to eliminate Lenin from the mural he executed there under commission from Nelson Rockefeller. The original mural was called "Man at the Crossroads", but he changed the title when he repainted it in Mexico City. Rivera's overall intention was to create his vision of the state of the Western world caught between communism (positive, for him) and capitalism (negative, for him), with Man (the man seen in the middle) having the power to create great things by controlling all nature (positive, for him).
For an on-line view of the entire fresco (mural) without the pillars, link to Olga's Gallery.
There is another photo by WTL in HUM 2461 on-line; see: => Diego Rivera #31.