Coyoacán: Museo de las Intervenciones (10)


Source: Photographs by WTL© (2016) on site at the Museo de las Intervenciones, Coyoacán, México.
Image: Among the most prominent exhibits in the museum is the one associated with the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920), which focuses on Francisco (Pancho) Villa's short and failed invasion or attack on the small American border town of Columbus, New Mexico, in 1916, which is also called the Columbus Raid.
Comments: Although the American soldiers of the 13th Cavalry Division who were stationed in Columbus, New Mexico, were able to repulse Pancho Villa (1878-1923) and this villista soldiers from his own army's División del Norte, it angered President Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924), who then ordered General John J. Pershing (1860-1948) to invade Mexico in an attempt (also failed) to capture Villa.Villla's men looted the town, set fire to many houses, and fought civilians who were defending their homes. It seems that Villa was not in the party that conducted the surprise raid into the town, but he and his commanders functioned as sharpshooters firing down into the town. Seven American military personnel and nine American citizens were killed in the raid. Here is a map of the rough, mountainous terrain in northern Mexico where Gen. Pershing led his soldiers into Mexico.


Humanities Topic: Describe the poster above (a) in terms of the information in the "Comments" and (b) in terms of the poster as an artifact of Latin American humanities.
