Coyoacán: Museo de las Intervenciones (8)


Source: Photographs by WTL© (2016) on site at the Museo de las Intervenciones, Coyoacán, México.
Image: Monument dedicated to Gen. Pedro María Anaya (1795 - 1854), hero of the Mexican defenses in Churubusco against the American invasion in 1847. This monument is placed outside the Ex-Convento de Churubusco in which one finds the Museo de las Intervenciones. This location is also two blocks away from the Parque de Xicoténcal.
Comment: The plaque on the front of this monument says: "General Pedro María Anaya, hero of the nation / He was born in Huichapan, Hidalgo [state] / He fought for Mexico's independence and he contributed to solidifying Guatemala's [independence] / He symbolized the honor and heroism of the Mexican Army in the glorious defense of Churubusco / in the year 1847." After losing this battle to the American Army, the way was clear for the U.S. troops to march directly into the center of Mexico City. When Gen. Anaya's forces ran out of ammunition, he was forced to surrender (with honor) to the Amercan commanders. Gen. Anaya went on to be Mexico's interim president in 1847 and 1848.
