Yucatán (9)

Source: WTL photograph.
Notes: Two yucateco boys standing alongside the road in front of a cornfield. Corn was the great crop of all Mesoamerica during its grand years of glorious prosperity (300 - 1200).
Comments: These boys had seen me earlier. They were curious about what I was doing, who I was, and why I was there in their pueblo. They were kind enough to let me take their picture. What do their expressions say to you? Despite the crushing poverty in rural Yucatán, I was constantly impressed with how clean the children—indeed all adults, too—were. And colorful, yet quite taciturn.
Question: The photo and my brief description say something about how I saw the boys. What do you think they thought about me?
Humanities questions: What role does corn play in the Popol Vuh? Did you see any pictures in the opening slide show that might remind you of this photo of mine? (<= Opening Show)