El Portal Placemat

Source: WTL© digital photograph (2008) of the table placemat (slightly cropped) taken on site in Guatemala City.
Rhymed Slogan: "For a Satisfying Toast / El Portal's Mixed Drink / With the Most"
Full text of El Portal's self-description at the right: "Right in the center of Guatemala of the Assumption in the 30's, El Portal of Business was the meeting place for every kind of city people from all levels of society and every kind of activity. In that magical ambience of arches and business arcades, which inspired Miguel Ángel Asturias when he described the society and urban landscape of those years, the oldest restaurant in Guatemala was begun. Since 1932, El Portal has welcomed regulars and visitors with marimba music, a chibola of frothy blended beer and the most exquisite local cuisine. Its legendary walls have witnessed the most animated conversations among politicians, impressarios, office workers, artists, students, friends, couples, and families, who, together, make up the variegated style of "El Portalito," and who have posed for contemporary photographers and cinematographers who want to represent the most traditional environment. Seventy-five years have passed since it opened its doors, and many of those who visit it nowadays first came holding hands with their parents or grandparents following a Holy Week parade, or even among college mates who had been featured in a procession of the Confraternity of Dolores. In El Portal, you can still party, drink, and eat as well as you always could. And even though time may seem to have stopped, El Portal is still the scene of history in the making while memories continue to come alive."
Note: Ernest "Che" Guevara studied communist theory and discussed it with other young leftists and revolutionaries-in-the-making in El Portal.