Fountain of Youth (1)


Source: WTL© photographs on site at the Fountain of Youth in St. Augustine, Florida.
Image: At an inlet off of Matanzas Bay, at the north end of St. Augustine, this site or possibly a place near here is where it is thought that Ponce de León and his explorers landed in 1513, after, that is, he had made other landings farther south on the Florida peninsula.
Comments and question: Juan Ponce de León (1474 - 1521) was the first Spanish governor of Puerto Rico and is the first Spanish explorer recorded to have landed in Florida, which he named after the Spanish name for Easter, when he landed in 1513 (La Pascua Florida / the Passover of Flowers). In 1521 he returned to the Gulf coast side of Florida in an attempt to found a colony; he was wounded by the local Calusa warriors; he died of his wounds in Puerto Rico, where his remains are interred in the Cathedral of San Juan Bautista, which is the basis of the name of the capital of Puerto Rico.
