Havana (26b)

Source: Photograph (2010) by WTL©.
Comment: This magnificent funerary monument and tomb (Las Víctimas de la Caridad) is dedicated "A los cuerpos de bomberos" (to the companies of firemen). Citizens of Havana raised the funds to construct this monument with all its sculptures because a number of firemen from various fire companies died while heroically fighting a fire in the Isasí hardware store in 1890. The monument and the scupture on the top, which is the tallest in the entire cementery, was designed by the Spanish architects Julio Zapata and Agustín Querol.
Humanities questions: (A) What are the properties of (Cuban/Latin American/universal) culture and humanities that combine to make such a monument possible? (B) In what sense could it be said that this monument and other both contemporary and traditional represent the "spirit of the Cuban people," as a number of commentators have said?