Che Monument (2)

Source: Photograph (2010) by WTL© near Santa Clara, Cuba, at the Che Guevara Memorial.
Comments: The sculptor of this monumental bronze work is José Delarra. Note that Che is depicted with his left arm in a sling. That is because he broke it in a battle before the one in Santa Clara. In the first part of the two-part biopic movie about Che (2007-2009), directed by Steven Soberbergh with Benicio del Toro as Che, the guerrilla leader is accurately shown leading with the correct arm in a sling. Part One is title Che: the Argentine and Part Two is called Guerrilla, when Che was in Bolivia.
Humanities comparison: Compare and contrast this statue (a humanities artifact) to those of Morelos, Pizarro, Martí, and San Martín, which are also featured in this course.