Buenos Aires (12a)

Source: See Buenos Aires Index.
Image: The Casa Rosada.
Comments: It is also called the Casa de Gobierno (Government House) and the Palacio Presidencial. It is where most of the executive branch of government is housed. It was built in 1873, and it sits at the east end of the famous Plaza de Mayo. Most of Argentina's major political institutions line this major city square. One explanation for the name comes from the 19th century president, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (1811-1888; president 1868-1874; author of Facundo), who seems to have chosen the name in order to unite the violently opposed political parties whose emblematic colors were/are red and white. From the central balcony many famous events have occurred: Evita Perón rallied her followers (los descamisados) from there; Pope John Paul II addressed a massive crowd from there in 1998; Madonna sang "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina" from there for her movie Evita (1996).