Buenos Aires (7)

Source: See Buenos Aires Index.
Image: A street lined with mausoleums in the Cementerio de la Recoleta.
Humanities issues: Compare and contrast this cemetery to others you know in the United States and elsewhere. Humanities question: What "humanities" fields of study are involved in analyzing this image?
Additional views: For a front view of one of these amazing mausoleums, selected more or less at random with the purpose of showing what many of them look like—with full respect for the memory of the persons and family represented—see: => Buenos Aires #7aa. For WTL's photos of the Duarte mausoleum with Eva (Evita) Perón's final resting place, see: => Buenos Aires #7a and beyond. For a comparison with the Necrópolis de Colón in Havana, see: => Havana #26.