Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (México)

Source: WTL cropped photo of the canvas at the Shrine of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe at Tepeyac, Mexico City.
Comments: This image, and, of course, the event of which it is a product, is one of the most holy, most sacred of all images from Latin America. Many people see the miraculous in it. Many people see the image as representing the fusion of Latin American races (native and Spanish) in this Virgen, who is called affectionately La Morenita in Spanish. To understand this image well it is important to think about the nature, beliefs, and structures of Roman Catholicism, especially as it is known and practiced in both México and the rest of Latin America.
Question: What is your view of this image? For a virtual tour of the grounds of the Shrine of Guadalupe, see: => Basílica de Guadalupe.
Humanities: The field of religion.