Pablo Neruda






1904                Neruda is born in Parral, Chile, as Ricardo Neftalí Reyes.

                        He spent his childhood in Temuco, Chile.

1924                Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada, his first major book of poetry is published (Post-Modernist).

1924-1934       He occupies various posts as Chilean consul in Europe and Asia.

1927                He serves as Chile's consul in Rangoon, Burma.

1933-1935       Residencia en la tierra (Vanguardist poetry) published.

1934                He serves as Chilean consul in Madrid, Spain.

1935                Neruda founded literary journal, Caballo verde para la poesía, of the Vanguard movement.

1936-1937       In Spain during beginning of Spanish Civil War: he is very sympathetic with Republican cause in Civil War.

1937                España en el corazón book of poetry about the Spanish Civil War.

1937-1939       He returned to Chile

1939-1943       He served as the Chilean consul in México.

1943                Neruda joined the Communist Party.

                        He wrote Canto general: people’s poet

                        Neruda visited Macchu Picchu.

1945                Neruda wrote Alturas de Macchu Picchu, which was published in 1950 in Canto general.

1947                Tercera residencia: he assumes the voice of the people’s poet, which is also evident in Alturas de Machu Picchu.

1949-1953       He lived in exile from Chile.

1953                He returned to Chile.

1959                Extravagaria: again he publishes this book of poetry as the people’s poet.

1966                Fulgor y muerte de Joaquín Murieta is published about California's version of Robin Hood (a drama).

1971                He is awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.

1973                He died of heart attack during the first few days of Gen. Pinochet's golpe de estado of the democratically-elected government of Salvador Allende.


For an on-line version of Neruda's original Spanish "Alturas de Machu Picchu," click on the book image below: ▼
For Dr. Little's on-line introduction to "The Heights of Macchu Picchu," click on the following image: ▼
For Dr. Little's complete on-line English translation of "The Heights of Macchu Picchu," click on the following image: ▼
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