Simón Bolívar

Address to the Citizen of Caracas

Caracas, October 18, 1813

(Translation by WTL© 2012)



Gentlemen of this Illustrious City:


Your deputation has presented me with the resolution of the 14th of this month in which, in the name of the people, you transmit to me the just reward for the victories I have won and which have given my country its freedom.


It is true that I have had the honor to lead brave soldiers and talented and daring leaders on the battlefield, men who could by themselves have achieved the memorable feat that our arms have successfully concluded. You proclaim me Captain General of the Armies and Liberator of Venezuela, the latter a title more glorious and satisfying than the crown of all the empires on earth. But you should remember that the Congress of New Granada, Field Marshall José Félix Ribas, Colonel Atanasio Girardot, Brigadier General Rafael Urdaneta, Major D'Eluyar, Major Elías, and the other officers and soldiers were the real and glorious liberators. They, not I, Gentlemen, merit the awards with which, on behalf of the people, you intend to honor me for services that they performed. The honor you give me is so much above my ability that I cannot view it without embarrassment.


The Congress of New Granada has entrusted to my weak efforts the reestablishment of our republic. I have contributed my devotion. No danger has stopped me. If this devotion can give me a place among the citizens of our nation, the happy result of the campaign that I have lead by my orders is enough recompense for these services, which all soldiers in the army also rendered under the republican flag.


Overcome with gratitude, I have read the generous resolution in which, even so, you proclaim me Captain General of the Armies and Liberator of Venezuela. I realize how much I owe to your high character, and, even more, to the people whose will you convey to me. The law of duty, stronger in me than my heart's impulses, forces me to obey the desires of a free people. It is with the profoundest feelings of veneration for my country and for you, speaking on its behalf, that I accept such monumental generosity.


May God keep you for a long time.


Simón Bolívar